Working with Tor is a dream come true! I knew I needed a brilliant VA and I wanted someone who was values led, flexible, who understands me and my business, and could help sort 💩 out! Tor does all of those and so much more 💕 She works fast and with great efficiency; she has  great ideas and suggestions and is not afraid to use them! Working with Tor & The Business Vine makes all things possible and I am excited to see what the future holds 💎

Dr Jenny G, The Brilliance Coach

"On the occasions I have worked alongside Tor, I have always found her to be exceptionally hard working, fast and accurate with paperwork, pleasant and a consummate professional in all she does.

I would not think twice about employing her.

She has a friendly personality, which makes her a pleasure to work with."

Mike V, Company Director

"Tor handles all my admin tasks and does it quicker, clearer and more efficiently than I could ever do. Tor's work is so good, efficient and professional I never need to check or worry if people have received everything they need. I just know they will have and that is such a huge gift.

By working with Tor not only do I get back time that I would have spent doing admin tasks but I get peace of mind. And because Tor tailors her services to each client's individual needs, Tor manages my diaries for me so I know exactly where I am meant to be on any day. Working with Tor is not only cost-effective it actually saves me money and it gives me back time which is priceless" 

Jen M, Company Owner

"In the medicolegal arena there is little room for error and the pace is extremely fast with time-sensitive information requiring immediate action on a regular basis. Tor approached her role with utmost professionalism and hit the ground running where many others have stumbled. Nothing seems too much for her to handle and she learnt the ropes very quickly indeed. Her enthusiasm and willingness to assist in what can sometimes be very complex and rather convoluted issues is admirable. I am particularly impressed by her determination when dealing with external agencies, she shows a genuine interest in our work and has an inquisitive mind which I know will see her achieve her desired future goals”

Partner, Forensic Science and Pathology

"Personable and professional, Tor is a fantastic virtual assistant. Her flexibility and can do attitude means that she fits around the tasks and the deadlines and gets it done!"

Gemma P, Director

“Tor performed to an incredible standard…she worked well under direction, quickly took to task and at a phenomenal pace. Tor has a naturally empathetic heart and working with myself and the rest of the team she quickly became a valued member of my team and trusted and respected in the wider business. She is diligent with data and ensuring policies and procedures and has an eye for detail and practicality”

Jane S, Head of People Operations

"Tor undertook largely administrative duties associated with data cleansing and demonstrated that she is quick to learn new processes. It is clear she is comfortable in using Excel to work with large amounts of information. She also carried out internet searching quickly and accurately. I found her communication to be excellent, giving clear regular updates on progress and checking in regarding any additional work with which she could help, and always in a friendly manner. Overall, her work during that couple of months well exceeded the quality and quantity I had expected”

Vicki D, Director of Continuous Improvement

"I first met Tor at a networking event in Abingdon and was immediately impressed by her obvious confidence when meeting people she didn't know and her happy but professional demeanor. What really impressed me is the fact that Tor doesn't need to wait for instructions to do things, she identifies where things are not as good as they could be or could be improved upon and simply gets on with it.

I am delighted that we work together and hope this will continue for a long time. I certainly do not want to lose her but if she ever chose to move on I would have no hesitation in recommending her to any future employer.

Ted Y, Director and Practitioner 

"Working with Tor is wonderful - she has helped me take my inbox from chaotic to calm, and has won me back hours of time every week that I was spending sifting the urgent from the unimportant. I used to wake up every morning in a panic that I'd missed a really important message between the hundreds of emails I received daily, and now I start each day with a short collated list of emails to work through. I can get on with my work in a focussed way, and my productivity has gone through the roof as a result. Moreover, Tor is proactive and on my wavelength as a business owner. She knows what I need before I know myself, and she's nudging me towards better organisational practices in a supportive and collaborative way.  Tor is friendly, fun to work with and her messages are a little bubble of joy in my work day. I just wish I'd asked Tor to come on board as my PA earlier."

Tory W, Director

“I have always found Tor to be polite, friendly, and most important of all efficient. Her work is always accurate and deadlines are always adhered to; nothing seems too much trouble"

Adrian M, Managing Director

"I worked with Tor for the last 6 months and I must say she went above and beyond for the business. Tor is conscientious, forward thinking and has a high level of attention to detail, especially in terms of policies, processes and procedures. This really helped to move the business forward. It was a pleasure to work with Tor"

Lizzie D, Wellness Coach

"From day one, Tor was incredibly efficient, forward thinking, and proactive. She showed great initiative in organising and streamlining processes, and very quickly appreciated already established procedures and systems, seeking to increase effectiveness wherever possible within the corporate structure. Tor took immediate responsibility for liaising with internal and external stakeholders, and her enthusiasm and professionalism built up excellent working relationships with those organisations and individuals within a very short space of time."

Caroline N, Executive